Saturday, January 25, 2020

Supporting Anticipatory Care for Long Term Conditions

Supporting Anticipatory Care for Long Term Conditions Supporting Anticipatory Care for Long Term Conditions Management Introduction Better management of individuals with long-term health problems has been an important priority of the Scottish government since the beginning. This is because Scotland has been under influence of alcohol misuse, smoking, physical idleness and poor dietary habits.ÂÂ   All these are the critical risk factors for a number of chronic diseases like, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, dementia and chronic lung disease. Moreover, ageing population is also increasing at an unprecedented rate and is constantly under the risk of developing several of these chronic conditions simultaneously; thus necessitating support and care (Epping, Pruitt, Bengoa, Wagner, 2004). The effect of multi-morbidity is intense as well. Individuals with numerous long-term conditions have noticeably pitiable quality of life, financial issues, and bad clinical outcomes, in addition to staying longer at hospitals (Department of Health, 2005). A long term condition is basically the one that is unable to cure, remains for a longer duration of time, for instant, more than a year and have an effect on any aspect of a humans life. It also needs ongoing medical help and restricts a person for what he/she can do. In Scotland, approximately 2 million people have either one or more long term health problems (N.H.S. Scotland, 2010). This demonstrates considerable work is needed to fulfil the requirement of people having long term conditions and tackle the broader determinants of health like standard of living, behaviours, attitude and socioeconomic deficit. With the present transformed political attention on social and health care, there is a prospect in the Scotland to redefine the framework of care. The nature of health care is also transforming; the focus is towards a system that not only considers physical health of public but also wellbeing and overall health, and which distinguishes public as co-makers of their health and its care. The endeavour is showed in the idea for services which emphasises on capacities and management of health problems and recognises notions like optimism, social inclusion, happiness, revival, and autonomy (N.H.S. Scotland, 2010). Anticipatory care planning comes true to such efforts because it involves the personal outcomes to health care planning in society care. It is generally applied to help people living with any long term health problem to prepare for an anticipated change in health condition (Baker, Leak, Ritchie, Lee, Fielding, 2012). It also includes health enhancement and living healthy. Overal l, vision of anticipatory care planning to reduce acute hospital admission, effectively manage chronic condition, acknowledged and empowered health education and provides social care services. Thus, in order to provide practical means for elucidating, detecting and improving patient outcome, the health model and theories can be used and these include the Mutual Care Model for Long Term Condition (CEL 23, 2009), theÂÂ   House of Care model (Coulter, Roberts, Dixon,2013) and the Chronic Care Model (Wagner,2001).ÂÂ   Though the description of all these models varies yet all focus on one point i.e. betterment of patients. They also offer vision for professionals in offering quality care not only for patients, but also for their families (Eaton et al, 2015). The aim of this paper is to examine the existing approaches for providing and supporting anticipatory care for proper management of long term conditions. It will use and highlight different care models, policies and strategies applied by the Scottish government in providing anticipatory care. References Baker, A., Leak, P., Ritchie, L. D., Lee, A. J., Fielding, S., 2012. Anticipatory care planning and integration: a primary care pilot study aimed at reducing unplanned hospitalisation. The British Journal of General Practice, 62(595), pp.113-e120. CEL 23, 2009. Improving Health Wellbeing Of People With Long Term Conditions In Scotland: A National Action Plan. The Scottish Government. [Online] [Viewed 05 March 2017]Available from: Coulter, A., Roberts, S. Dixon A., 2013. Delivering better services for people with long-term conditions. The Kings Fund. pp.1-28. Department of Health 2005. Supporting People with Long-Term Conditions. London: Department of Health. Eaton, S., Roberts, S. Turner, B., 2015. Delivering person centred care in long term conditions. BMJ. 1(2) Epping-Jordan, J.E., Pruitt, S.D., Bengoa, R., Wagner, E.H., 2004. Improving the quality of health care for chronic conditions. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 13 (4), pp 299-305. N.H.S. Scotland 2010. Long Term Conditions Collaborative Making the Connections Food For Thought. [Online]. [Viewed 4 March 2017]. Available from: Wagner, E.H., 2001. Meeting the needs of chronically ill people. BMJ.323, pp. 945-6.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Medicine is the biggest epidemic in our time’ was Ivan Illich a prophet or a rumor monger Essay

‘Medicine is the biggest epidemic in our time’ was Ivan Illich a prophet or a rumormonger? Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ivan Illich is an Austrian philosopher, very popular for his of contribution of theories on the concept of medicalization. He has published many books on medicalization and has presented to a wider public the notion of iatrogenic disease. Medicine is a major therapy tool in social life, without proper medication human life could be highly constrained by many diseases surrounding it. Ivan Illich has had a contribution in the field of medicalization as philosopher by constructing theories that various medics have followed in their practice. Iatrogenesis is term that is used to refer illness that come as a result of medical activity and outweighs any positive benefit of medicine. Iatrogenesis was introduced into social science by Ivan Illich. According to Ivan, iatrogenesis had adverse effects on the industrial society as it enhanced the corruption, incapacitated individuals and limited freedom in an industrial set up. Illich outlined three m ajor types of iatrogenesis; these are; clinical, social and cultural iatrogenesis. Illich has theorized various phenomenon in medicalization and society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This essay is particularly point out some theories that highlight whether Illich was a prophet or a rumormonger in the society and show some evidence based on his approaches on medicalization. The essay will as well focus on the notion of iatrogenesis and statistics that has been conducted in the UK based on statistics. Finally, the essay will show some views of Illich on medicalization and also how iatrogenesis can be prevented in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the statistics in the UK, it indicates that the estimation of 215,000 deaths every year have been caused by iatrogenic, whereby cancer and the heart disease are seen to be causing more deaths in every year(Shaffer, Philips, &Enzer, 2009, p.241). Some iatrogenic effects in most cases are fully defined and can be recognized easily, for instance those complications that need a surgical procedure. However, the less obvious complications need significant investigation to recognize, such as difficult drug interactions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ivan Illich who was a great thinker and a multilingual prolific writer on issues related to society and medicine attributed his concepts of medicalization and proposed his views towards the modern medicine in the society. Henceforth, Illich argues that the notion of medicine had deprived individuals and society of their capacity to cope with sickness and death (Basford, Lynn & Oliver Slevin, 2003, p.122). Therefore, based on Illich, iatrogenesiscannot be understood unless it is seen specifically medical manifestation of particular counter productivity. Illich points out the main three levels of iatrogenesis. The first level is the clinical iatrogenesis, this whereby the injury is depicted to the patients by unproductive, toxic and insecure treatment to the patients. The second level is the social iatrogenesis, which comes as a result of medicalization of life, and thirdly cultural iatrogenesis, which comes as a result of the destruction of traditional ways of dealing with and making sense of death, pain and illness. Therefore, based on the evidence in his works of medicine described for over twenty years, it is noted that Illich was not a rumormonger, but a philosophical prophet, based on his predictions and research on the concept of iatrogenesis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ivan Illich has traced contemporary idea of the issue of epidemic in the societal context, and this notion has greatly focused on the main assumptions that lead to that epidemic. Based on his ideas, he argues on the progressing views on medicine; there is an empowerment model that has evolved out of the realization of epidemic and, therefore, patients cannot be forced to follow a lifestyle dictated by others towards the problem of medicalization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Based on Ivan Illich’s theories on his perspectives towards natural health, medicine undermines health of individuals not only based directly on aggression, but also over the impact of its social organization on the milieu. On that context, when the medical damage to the health of an individual is produced based on the sociopolitical mode of transmission. Thus, according to Illich, social iatrogenesisis designated in all impairments on regard to health that specifically to those socio-economic revolutions which have been made pretty, probable, or essential by the formal shape health care has taken (Kazer, 2008, p.209). Thus, based on his views towards the medicalization, the assumptions that erupt prevail that Illich was one person in the society who was seen as a prophet. Most people considered his ideas more especially his aspects on the iatrogenesis and through his open minded on the society, they regard his views to be those of a prophet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The iatrogenic death has become the third leading cause of death in the UK, surpassing the death by stroke. Based on different sources indicate that, between 200,000 and 250, 000 people are reported to die each year from Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) in the hospital setting (Kazer, 2008, p.289). On the same note, it is seen that deaths by ADRs kills over five times as the illegal combined in every year and that is the most conservative estimate that is outlined. Thus, the prescription drug Vioxx kills an estimated of 60,00 people by cardiac arrest alone and this figure does not reflect and account for any other fatal side effects such as the internal bleeding. In most cases, medicine undermines health and this is not only based on direct aggression against individuals but it has also an impact on the social organization on the total milieu. Therefore, medical damage to the individual health is enacted by the social iatrogenesis. This define s all the deficiencies that subdue to health and are due precisely to those socio-economic revolutions that have been made impressive, possible by the established shape health care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Iatrogenesis has many dimensions as per Ivan Illich’s concept. The undesirable side-effects of approved, mistaken, callous or contra-indicated technical contacts with the medical system represent only first level of pathogenic medicine. The belief of people that they cannot cope with illness without modern medicines reinforces and lays the ground for iatrogenesis by surrendering themselves to the doctors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Illich, he illustrates that the social iatrogenesisis not yet acknowledged as a collective etiology of sickness. He outlines that the diagnosis often serves as a means of turning political grievances besides the stress of growth into needs for more remedies that are just more of its expensive and demanding outputs; the industrial system would lose one of its major defenses. On the same note, responsiveness of the extent to which iatrogenic ill health is politically-communicated would shake the basics of medical power much more deeply than any catalogue of medicine’s technical faults. Based on this fact, his works and ideas portray the assumption of his research and these shows that he was not a rumourmonger but can be seen as a prophet in several aspects since his predictions indicated the notion of reality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Iatrogenesis designates a condition of illness, disease, injury or hostile health brought upon a patient as an indirect or direct result of medical diagnosis or cure. Therefore, when it comes to back pain, there are numerous common varieties of iatrogenesis, that subsidize to the on-set of symptoms, as well as the dissemination and worsening of existing conditions. Acute postoperative pain is followed by insistent pain in 10-50% of individuals after mutual operations, such as breast and thoracic surgery, groin hernia repair, and coronary artery bypass surgery leg amputation (Gould, Brooker& Gould, 2008, p.167). Iatrogenic complications are very common most people who are affected are the elderly than the young patients. These complications include the adverse effects as the interactions, falls, nosocomial infections, Pressure ulcers and other relevant complications to surgery, however, prevention is often possible, (O’dea& Erikson, 2010, p.341). For instance, the large percentage that is affected is the men. The statistics indicate that women live longer than women; however, the spend most of their lives with different disparities. The smoking rates between women in UK were slightly low compared to men; thus women smoke 25.1% while men 31.2%.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The initial step in stoppage is to categorize patients at high risk in order to know the way forward in which to help that particular individual. Risk factors may include the following. Prevention is the most crucial factor and determining the effective way to prevent such assumption is to overlook on that factors that contribute to such infections. After full recognition of that factors, focusing on the proper measures that should be taken into consideration to avoid those elements that affect the situation (Miller, 2013, p.178). Thus, interventions that can prevent iatrogenic complications may include the following: addressing proper medication to the patient by relying on primary evidence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, Illich can is considered a prophet and not a rumourmonger. This declaration has evolved from a number of his assumptions on medicine and his approaches towards the medicalization that are entirely based on his research of over twenty years. For instance, in UK there are several individuals who die of diseases linked to the effect of iatrogenesis in every year. This aspect is seen to affect the elderly people more than the young. Illich’s views on medicalization are shown to be very significant to the society as they enlightened individuals to be aware of some aspects that lead to iatrogenesis. With the evidence on health system, his philosophies are examined to be very significant in society since they mainly focused on the main areas that analyze medicalization. His predictions in several aspects support his research on the health systems in society, and this fully defines him as a prophet. It has been documented tha t no substantial addition to life expectancy or the quality of life critically ill patients has been achieved by high tech cost medical technology.As a contrast, there are many medical interventions, which are simple, cheap and often without any need of medicine yet are quite effective. However, such simple remedies are often neglect or ignored altogether. The medicalization of life encourages our dependence on professional care, and on medical drugs. References Basford, L. & Oliver S. 2003.Theory and Practice of Nursing: An Integrated Approach to Patient Care. Cheltenham, U.K: Nelson Thornes. Gould, D., Brooker, C., & Gould, D. 2008. Infection prevention and control: applied microbiology for healthcare. Basingstoke [England], Palgrave Macmillan. Kazer, M. W. 2008. Essentials of gerontological nursing. New York, Springer. Miller, A. B. 2013. Epidemiologic studies in cancer prevention and screening. New York, NY, Springer. O’Dea, J. A., &Eriksen, M. P. 2010.Childhood obesity prevention: international research, controversies, and interventions. Oxford [U.K], Oxford University Press. Shaffer, D., Philips, I., &Enzer, N. B. 2009.Prevention of mental disorders, alcohol, and other drug use in children and adolescents. Rockville, Md. (5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville 20857), The Office. Source document

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Success And Failures Of Santander - 1678 Words

1. Please describe and evaluate the Country/Political Risk faced by this organization and describe its successes and failures. Santander is known as a strong financial leader within the financial sector of Spain and has presented themselves with great steps in the growth to becoming a well-known leader regarding their contribution in finance, globally. The globalization process proven by Santander is very successful compared to other financial business activities throughout the world in regards to demographics, lifestyle and economic sectors. But, because of large variety between the business structure that Santander comes across there are many problems with their decision making process. It is hard to understand each financial and†¦show more content†¦The difficulty in preserving such large scale organization proves many problems in sustaining a strong organizational structure. The level at which Santander had been performing on a global scale varied from segment to segment with no real business ideology and systematic approach within these sectors. The importance of organizational is strength and balance with a cohesive approach towards a company goal is representation of an area of work and need for Santander. 2.What has been the lending strategy followed by Santander? Santander’s largest lending activity is shifted towards auto finance and Santander expanded a strong market share in offering financial assistance to consumers. With a strong presence on auto and retail credit presence, Santander also explored into different financial services. Lending evaluations by Santander are based on credit background of the person (or company) who wants borrow. Through the development of a credit-approval system, Santander Consumer Finance increased an understanding into these clients on an online database which allowed for the use of real time analysis in determining interest rates for the business interactions. Santander had come up with a strategy that was specific to each sole region due to the differences related within each region. The effects of culture and political importance were best understood by the residents of these particular areas and allowing proper power and skills to these individuals, thereShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing Analyzes Santander Consumer Finance1545 Words   |  7 PagesThis article analyzes Santander Consumer Finance (SCF) written by Gunner Trumbull, Elena Corsi and Andrew Barron, Harvard Business School (2010). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Womens Role in Society Analyzed and Debated in Henrik...

For various reasons, the role of women in society has been analyzed and frequently debated throughout history. Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House is no exception to the rule. In Norway, and during the Victorian period in history, women’s responsibilities were simply to keep house or do small jobs on the side such as sewing or light secretarial work. Henrik Ibsen may have had several intentions when writing his play A Doll’s House, but the one that stands out so clearly is the role of women in the time period from which the play takes place and just how doll-like they were treated in Victorian society. Women during this period were by no means the decision-makers of their households. Husbands or fathers were the heads of the household and†¦show more content†¦The first act of the play A Doll’s House begins on Christmas Eve in Norway inside the house of the Helmer’s. We immediately see Nora entering the house with her hands full of pa ckages she has purchased while out shopping for her three children. Very soon after Nora arrives we meet Torvald, her husband enter the room from his study. It is immediately apparent that Helmer is domineering. He has various pet names for Nora (Squirrel, Skylark, Featherbrain, etc.). Nora begins to show Torvald what she has purchased when he begins to tease her about her spending. It is at this point that we learn that Torvald has recently acquired a new position at the bank where he is employed. Nora uses this as an excuse for her spending and says that they can now go ahead and spend a little more here and there, on Christmas, for example. Torvald scolds her for her lack of frugality and after a quick pout from Nora, Torvald hands her some more money to cheer her up and help stiffen her lip a bit. After showing Torvald what gifts she bought, Torvald asks what she would like for Christmas and Nora answers: money. Torvald accuses Nora of being irresponsible and unable to ma nage money correctly, claiming it runs in her family. Torvald says that it is primarily Nora’s father’s fault that she is so irresponsible with money because he never made her accountable for anything and this is the reason she is the way